Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day Three - June 10th 2009

There is so much to tell about the past 24 hours and I have promised a trip to the pool to the Owl Expert. We drove through Kentucky and then arrived in Nashville around 4:30.
I will only say that last night ended with Tierney, Fiona, Patrick and myself in a photo with Darryl Worley! We have been like the Forrest Gumps of Nashville as we stumble upon amazing events. I must give all the details later tonight after I have kept my promise to go to the pool! Today our luck continued as we happened to get a window seat in a restaurant for lunch and a parade of Country Music performers went by (literally a parade! they apparently closed the road right after we went into the restaurant and we did not notice anything until the crowds started forming). I had my trusty telephoto lens and was able to snap some photos of various artists and race car drivers etc.....But the Fiona is waiting and I will need more time to tell these tales! Scared to think of how many photos I will have by the end of this trip!

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