Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 16th - The LONG Drive to San Antonio

Before I get started, I promise that Pat will post the final NOLA parking tale for your continued entertainment.

Nothing too exciting to tell except that we made the 500 mile drive from NOLA to San Antonio. Captain Pat held up very well with the grueling drive. The kids did fantastic for being cooped up in the car so long. Fiona was entertained by Neil's Ipod for the first few hours and then the Satellite TV came in quite handy. The roads coming out of NOLA were pretty beat up and there were lots of bridges to deal with. Once we were well into Texas, the roads were pretty straight and flat, and in much better shape than the LA roads.

It is extremely hot was 103 degrees when we pulled up to the hotel at 6PM! Yet the humidity is very low (30 percent) so it is less oppressive than the 94 degree heat we experienced in NOLA. I still felt the need for a frozen margarita before dinner though!

We had a great dinner at one of the restaurants along the River Walk. We were pretty beat from the long day of driving so we came back to the room to relax and get some sleep. Even Fiona was asking when we were going back to the hotel room. Any of you who know her well, know that this to be very strange behavior for this child. But alas, once back at the hotel, she resumed her normal level of whirling dervish like activity and incessant talking. Must have been the Texas heat affecting her disposition! I found a great task to keep her busy.....she was to find several more Owl facts as we are way behind on the Owl Fact of The Day! I will post them later.

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